Insanity at the Apple store
Friday, October 21, 2005
Once a week I get together w/ a couple of guys that God has really laid on my heart. It's like a small group, but really it's smaller than a small group. I call it my Nano Group. We always have a great time. Share a verse or two, have some prayer, but mostly just have a lot of fun and build relationships.
Well tonight I picked my group up and went to Bill Miller's for some great food. After we ate we had our talk time there. When we were done the guys weren't ready to go home so we headed on over to La Cantera (its a new fun mall). Well of course we found our way into the new Apple store. How could we not? Lo and behold they had two new iMacs on display ... you know, the one's w/ the built in iSight video camera.
Well, the new iMacs come w/ this cool little piece of software that only Apple could write (well really, it's so simple ... anyone could write it, but only Apple could would do it, and do it right). The software is called Photo Booth, and well, basically it's just like a Photo Booth you'd see at your amusement park or whatever. But imagine that you could have unlimited photos forever, and that you could get these crazy effects on there. Now you're getting the idea.
We stood there for about thirty minutes just taking picture after picture. We were all laughing so hard. I've never ever laughed that hard in all my life. It hurt. Then, Michael showed up randomly w/ his Nano Group and then it just got nuts! Seriously, this was one of the most fun nights I've ever had. I'll remember it for the rest of my life. The coolest thing is that the Apple store employees love it when you have fun on the computers. I mean, we were making a big ruckus in there. They would come by every now and again to see the crazy photos. And people in the store were coming by too. It was a great time.
So, if you're ever looking for something fun to do, I highly suggest you get a group of your friends together, head down to the nearest Apple store, find a new iMac and open Photo Booth. Hours upon hours of good wholesome fun. If they would of had one in stock I would probably be typing this on a brand new iMac G5. Oh well.
By the way. We're setting something like this up in the youth room next week. We'll stick some of the best photos up on the projector and web. It'll be a blast!
Oh, and you can check out some of the best photos that we took here. You gotta check them out!
posted by MATTHEW JOHN BELL @ 10/21/2005 12:03:00 AM,
- At 10/21/2005 03:12:00 PM, Staci said...
now thats what you call high quality entertainment!!!