New series at Encounter: Raising the Bar
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Just a little FYI: I'm starting a new series on Wednesday nights titled Raising the Bar. The theme of the series can pretty much be summed up by the statement "Being the best you can be. Doing the best you can do." Let's be honest, we all have areas in our lives where we're coming up short. Sometimes we just need to be reminded of who we are and who we're called to be. The bottom line is that God didn't send His Son to die on the cross, shed His blood and deliver us from a lifestyle of sin and bondage, so that we could be 2nd rate people who don't give Him our all. Now is the time to step it up. It's time to raise the bar! This week's topic: Purity. I hope to see you there ...
posted by MATTHEW JOHN BELL @ 10/04/2005 11:42:00 PM,
- At 10/04/2005 11:54:00 PM, said...
hey matt...why mute? i can see you are a very dedicated young man (despite being bamboozeled by faulty computer programs) -liked the zit story and found myself wondering how this might be related to fasting/purity and the elimination of toxins...oh well carry on young fellow!-SfootX