Long day today
Friday, December 31, 2004
Long day today. I'm in a reflective mood. Not much could bother me right now (other than my brother starting to shoot baskets in the other room). Cue the baskets ...
I started today off by waking up at 5am to be at prayer by six. I don't know what it is about EMP, but if someone needs a ride from me or I have to open up, I can't sleep. I wake up all night, it's weird. After prayer, #3 and I went to Taco Cabanna where this employee thought he needed to talk to us about something. We're still not quite sure what he was talking about. All I did was ask him for some cilantro and then he had this big long story. None of it made much sense. Something about 2 guys 2 trucks, he lives in Kerville and he said "what is this world coming to?" about five times. I didn't have an answer for him. All I asked for was some cilantro, but I enjoyed the conversation much better. #3 came w/ me to work today. People always ask what I work on. Well if you want to know you can take a look at http://destinychurch.cc/new03. That's what I'm working on at the moment.
#3 and I went to lunch around 2.30 and ended up at chick-fil-a. I like that restaurant, they have some sweet sweet tea and the foods not 1/2 bad either. While we were there I hear this strange lady talking over my shoulder from the booth over my left shoulder. She says something like this in a real loud old lady voice "You know what the trouble is about being sixty and being in love w/ Rock and Roll? If I would have known I was going to live to be sixty I would have taken care of this body a lot better. I could strangle Bob Dylan right about now, even with my arthritis. And boy it sure does hurt on a rainy day like today. This comment has been brought to you by Pepsi" I thought she was on the phone or whatever so I looked at #3 and started laughing. Little did I know she wasn't on the phone but was talking to us. She probably wasn't too happy about me laughing at her. Oh well ... that was nuts.
I got to take dad to get his car from the shop. I'm out of school right now and don't get to drive my car much, so that was a fun trip. After that it was studio session with our favorite band Abandon. This one dude I hadn't seen or talked to in a long time showed up w/ his new cd for me to check out in the middle of what we were doing. He dropped it off and it was good to see him. His cd actually sound really good, much better than I thought it would. I've heard my fair share of small studio projects, but I was pleasantly surprised. Here's a shot of where I was tonight.
posted by MATTHEW JOHN BELL @ 12/31/2004 01:50:00 AM,